
The Scraper is the heart of our app. It fetches the data and pumps to the app. So the scraper design is very critical. I have considered several tools and technologies for scraping.

I have done scraping in node.js and python. Python is my choice as it is very simple and follows sequential programming approach.

The following explains the scraping browsers and frameworks

1. Scrapy-Python

Scrapy is one of the best framework for scraping. But it can’t scrape dynanmic sites where the content is generated on the fly by java script. because it uses headless browser.

2. Selenium-xvfb

Selenium uses real browser so it can scrape dynamic sites. But is bit slow. It doesnt matter. it does the job pretty good. XVFB is emulator to run browser in hidden mode.

Puma India scraping

It is a dynamic site. But the initial page is static. so for the first page, we used scrapy. for products page used selenium.


its job is to fetch all the unique product pages along with the following fields.
  1. id
  2. process_lev1
  3. process_lev2
  4. sale
  5. name
  6. url
  7. image_small
  8. regular_price
  9. discounted_price
command to run ::
cd puma-spider/stack/stack/
scrapy crawl puma-lev1

Program Logic

Fetch the data from the site and while saving it, do the following.
  1. If the item is not present (check using URL as key), Then Insert it.

  2. If item exists in the DB, then update the following fields.
    • sale
    • regular_price
    • discounted_price



command to run ::

python refresh=N

python refresh=Y

The level2 spider reads yields the following fields.
  1. images - original, big, small
  2. style number
  3. availability
  4. size

Keep a refresh flag for this program. if refresh flag is Y, then process all else process only those with process_lev2 flag N